Well, I've been swamped at work. And I've had a number of work-related events to attend, including one on Sunday evening and one on Monday evening. But at least my work overtime usually involves a glass or two of champagne and some tasty hors d'oeuvres.

I guess it could be worse; I'm sure there was no champagne for these gals at work.
That said, work is work, and I have been pining for the Craft Lounge. I've done a lot of thinking about my pants muslin and even posted a message with a picture of the awful back to the "Fitting Woes" message board of PatternReview. It took a bit of nerve to put my fitting issues out there. You have to be ready to hear some analysis of you figure flaws (saddlebags) in order to get to a solution to your fitting problems. It is all done in a supportive and non-judgmental way, but if you are in denial about your flaws (saddlebags)... well it could be a bit of an unhappy thing. On the upside, thanks to sewing, I am growing a thicker skin with my own body issues.
Anyway, it was very productive! Several more experienced sewists shared some insights and advice on how I could fit this pattern. Or if I wanted to scrap it, some suggested Burda or Jalie might actually be better for my figure than Simplicity. So, I have a lot to think about in this department.
I also did a bit of work on my blue cowl top. I basted the side seams to see how the top was fitting. It was big - thank goodness I started with a size smaller than I originally thought. After pinning it a few different ways, I decided that it needed alteration across the back and shoulders where it was just too big. (Do I have narrow shoulders? This seems to be a recurring issue.) Inspired by the Vogue top I am also working on - and which is fitting beautifully through the shoulders and back - I decided to add a back center seam. So I cut the back in half. Um, I'll have to let you know if this was a good idea or not once I've worked on it a bit more. It may work out beautifully, but then again, it was a pretty radical step. Thank goodness I am not terribly attached to this fabric!
More later I hope.