I made a few changes to the pattern that are working out well. First, I changed the length when I traced the pattern. I added about 2 inches total to the midriff, so that the top hits around my hip. Next, rather than sewing a bottom hem, I used the scalloped edge of the fabric as the hem. I am really psyched about how this looks! Finally, I decided (for a little extra room at the hips) to make the sides vented rather than sewn up. This weekend I will add the back zipper. I really hope it will be warm enough to wear it soon.
Also this weekend, I plan to cut the checked fabric that I am going to use for a shirt for Phineas. I'm using the same KwikSew pattern that I used for his baby blue shirt, but one size smaller. The blue shirt is very roomy, and for this shirt, I thought a little closer/cleaner fit would be good.
Since today is Friday, I will leave you with this parting shot: a self-portrait of Phineas modeling my top.
I think the chin stubble really makes the photo, don't you? Happy Friday!
Lol!!!! Ahhh, that's cute on Phineas. I think you have an original. This may be the first live dressform?
It should be known that this is a self portrait. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. LOL
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