Have you noticed that it seems to be awards season in the Blogosphere? I'm tickled pink to be the recipient of the Liebster Blog Award.
Ich liebe meinen Preis! |
More than that, I am bowled over to have received it twice! First, from Melanie of
seamstress: poppykettle way back in February. Shamefully between work travel and life, I failed to blog about it til now when it came a second time from Laura Mae of
Lilacs & Lace.
First, a HUGE shout out to these two phenomenal sewistas.
When I learned that Melanie had only been sewing for a year I nearly
reached thru the interwebs to strangle her in a fit of jealous rage and insecurity fell off my chair. Do
these turquoise jeans or
this silk Marfy top (yes, Marfy. as in "instructions not included" Marfy.) look like the work of a newbie sewista? Or this suit?
Poppykettle in her spectacular suit |
And what can I say about Laura Mae that has not already been said? Her vintage sewing mojo is unparallelled. Don't believe me? Check out this
recent dress. Or her
Ceil Chapman cocktail dress, which is one of my all time favorite garments created by another blogger. (period)
Superlative Ceil Chapman Dress! |
Anyway, this award is for blogs with less than 200 followers (criteria/rules below). And this got me thinking about my blog and how it's changed over time. I definitely feel like an Indy film compared to some of the blockbuster blogs out there. The day I realized that there were a few people who I wasn't related to or even knew in person following my blog, it was a surprise. Even though sewing is a mostly solo activity, being part of the sewing blogosphere makes me feel connected to others who share my bliss. Thank you, to each and every one of you who follows or comments. I'm glad we've met in this quirky online space.
Anyway, because not every blog posts their number of followers and because people can follow a blog in many different ways (thru Blogger, Google reader, by email, etc), it's kind of hard to figure out who qualifies or not for this award.
(Call it a loop hole and I've got a loop turner. Or something like that. Whatever.) So, since the spirit of the award is to recognize and promote blogs that are not as well-read, I'm passing this award on to a few blogs that I'm enjoying and think you might like, too. I'm surprised that all of them don't have huge followings. Without further ado, the awards go to:
Faye's Sewing Adventures - In addition to being the first person who I didn't know in real life to comment on my blog, and introducing me (and everyone else) to
Ponte Roma knit, and going on a huge knit
dress sewing bender last fall, the thing I love about Faye is that she initiates several sew-alongs every year. Last year I did the "Over the Top", "Bottoms Up" and "Stay Cool: Sew a Summer Dress" sew-alongs with her. She's got a
Starting at the Top Challenge going on right now.
Faye's Lady Grey Coat |
K-Line - Let me tell you, Kristin is a woman after my own heart. She's on
muslin 8.0 for a jacket she is working on (she deserves an award for that alone!),
likes my favorite color, and takes
fashion risks, like culottes. She also gets mad kudos from me for boldly talking about her boobs and occasional uses of the eff word on her blog. She keeps it real, if you know what I mean.
K-Line in her culottes |
Tanit-Isis Sews - This gal is one fierce sewista. She sews up a storm for herself,
her two spunky daughters and Mr Osiris. And although she says she is busy and has less time these days as a student and mom, she still manages to post
free downloadable patterns that she's made/designed herself! She is also a genius at using
the tiniest scraps of fabric and is a
Tanit-Isis' Where's Waldo Shirt |
Sheila CTK - I just love Sheila's style. Just look at the hotness that is her
faux leather skirt or the chicness of her
hot pink and houndstooth ensemble. But what impresses me most about Sheila is that she ALWAYS manages to save garments that
look like they're heading to the wadder bin. Seriously, this gal knows how to shift gears and change plans on the fly, ending up with something stylish and fun.
How awesome is Sheila's leather wrap dress?? |
Sew Skate Read - T Sedai's blog is probably the newest on my list at just a year old. In addition to sewing all kinds of yummy clothing like a
smurfy raincoat and LBD, and whatever pattern
I am currently wanting to sew from Burda, she also sews her own costumes for competitive skating. Yes, you read me right. This gal has a whole other life outside of the sewing blogosphere where she gets to wear the kind of fabulous glitter and applique that will make your inner six year old yearn for a tiara. Oh, and she knows how to
stash like a champ, too.
This is a "practice" dress for skating. This is me "practice" drooling on my key board. |
I hope you check out these blogs and enjoy them as much as I do.
The rules are as follows:
*Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
*Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
*Copy/paste the blog award on your blog.
*Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs (with 200 followers or less).
*Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment.