While I was in DC, helping Dr K prepare for the wedding, Phineas picked up my long- awaited, brand spankin' new Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 850 sewing machine. He was very clever about the whole thing. H-V has just introduced the Sapphire 855 - the next generation of this machine. So, Phineas found a store that was trying to sell the last few 850's it had in stock and was able to finagle a significant discount.
This machine sews so beautifully and has so many features that I don't even know where to begin singing its praises. I spent most of yesterday morning playing with some of the 100+ stitches and figuring out how to do some of the basics.
The computerized system has a rather high IQ. It tells you to adjust the thread tension based on the fabric you are sewing and the stitch. It also suggests what needle size and foot to use for various stitches and fabrics. I forgot to change the tension a few times, which is why some of the test stitches are a bit puckered.
My first mini-project was to finish the pj bottoms which I started with Erato a few weeks ago. They sewed up beautifully and quickly. My first impression - now that I have it in the Craft Lounge - is that the Sapphire 850 is an incredibly functional and user friendly machine. Everything about it was easy, easy, easy! Made to make sewing enjoyable.
I barely scratched the surface with what the Sapphire can do and am raring to go with my next project. So stay tuned for more sewing adventures.