Thursday, October 29, 2009

And More Pockets

Well, it's back to the treadmill day for me, since my neck and shoulders are feeling back to normal. However, I have enjoyed evening stints in the craft lounge over the last few days. It was fun to see the incremental progress I made on this diaper bag.

Front side of the bag, pattern nicely matched up.

The outside of the bag is nearly complete. Pockets are made, and I'm in the process of sewing the pieces together to be the outer shell of the bag. Next, I will work on the zipper and inside of the bag. Before putting it all together.

Side pocket, attached to (pocket-less) back of the bag.

I probably won't be able to devote much time to sewing until over the weekend. Hopefully, I'll be nearly done by Sunday night and ready to begin my next projects.