Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I blame a lack of sunlight...

... but it may just be my own lack of a greenthumb.

When I planted my herb and tomato garden in the spring, it was with the hopes that by Labor Day I would be enjoying an abundance of tomatoes and fresh herbs from my very own little plot. I even fantasized about having to make a vat of sauce and jar my bounty at summer's end. However, as we near Columbus Day, all I have to show for my tomato garden is this:

Two puny green tomatoes.
The "large" one is golf-ball-sized.

I did, however, have success with my mint and my basil did ok, too, the last of which will soon be made into chimichurri (the mint) and pesto (the basil) and frozen for the winter.

Oh well. Perhaps next year I will find a sunnier spot.