Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pecan Pie Paradox: Episode II: A New Hope

My very excellent friend and fellow baking enthusiast, MarMar, really took my corn syrup woes to heart and emailed the wonderful folks at King Arthur Flour on my behalf. And here is their response (woo hoo hoo!):

Good afternoon,

A great substitute for corn syrup is Lyle's Golden Syrup. Unfortunately it can be kind of hard to find as it's made in the UK. These links will give you some good information about it: or I would suggest doing an online search to see where you might be able to purchase it in the US if you're interested.

You can also substitute maple syrup in a lot of recipes calling for corn syrup. Here are a couple of links to great sounding pecan pies using maple syrup:

If just a small amount is called for (i.e. a Tablespoon or two) you can also use honey. I hope this helps. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.


Customer Care
King Arthur Flour
I can barely contain myself. YAY!! Just the other day I was fretting that I needed to start testing things out for Thanksgiving and winter baking, so this comes at the perfect time! Let the experiments begin... pie test-taster candidates may submit their qualifications via the comments field.