Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It takes a lot of work to look good!

Here are a few photo's of the wedding morning at the salon, pre-hair, pre-make-up and in some cases pre-coffee. But we managed to pull it together by the time Terpischore walked down the aisle.

Actually, this is the day before at the nail salon. Poly and KK getting mani's.

Me and Calliope in identical shirts and hairdo's

KK, Erato and the bride, Terpischore

Calliope under the drier

Terpischore, final touches.

The men don't understand this, but I think for us muses this is part of the pre-wedding ritual; getting ready and helping the bride get ready, a shedding of the old and donning of the new, and the last few minutes of being a single gal.