Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seattle (a stomach's eye view, as usual)

As usual, Phineas and I did a whirlwind tour - with many stops for refreshments - in Seattle. We had some great experiences, ate some great local cuisine and hung out with some excellent people. Here is the round-up in pictures.

Pike Place Market: where they toss the fish.

Mmmm... a latte at Espresso Vivace.

Seattle Art Museum

Strolling around Pioneer Square

Chiccaroneos (aka: Italian chicharrones) at Salumi. All hail Papa Batali!

"Seafest" and local beer at the Crab Pot

Phineas at the Space Needle

A brunch cruise on Elliot Bay ended our weekend.

Now, if you think that covers all our eating, well, that just shows that you probably have more self control than me and Phin, especially when let loose on a new city. We also sampled local cheese, gorgeous California nectarines from the market, and broiled oysters at Emmett Watson's Oyster Bar. Also, Seattle for some reason has a fascination with donuts. There was even at donut bar at the wedding. As Homer says, "Donuts.... is there anything they can't do?"