Thursday, September 4, 2008

National Sewing Month!

Here is the list of projects I hope to complete this month:
  1. Curtains for Terpischore's wedding reception hall
  2. Shrug for Mom Muse (almost done)
  3. 2 shirts for Phineas (one is already cut and waiting to be sewn)
  4. Perfect pants for myself once my class ends on Monday (I already have some great fabric for the first pair)
  5. Belated birthday tote for Terpischore
  6. And, finally, 2BSewing has inspired me to start thinking about making a jacket for myself, although this may get pushed into October and be a happy birthday to me gift!
At this time of year my thoughts always start to turn toward Christmas. I know it is early, but careful planning and a good head start are necessary if I am going to make some gifts. And family members who have received birthday gifts are already hinting that a handmade Christmas would be welcome.