Shocked. Horrified. Livid. I'm not sure any of those words adequately expresses my range of emotions as this transpired across the room in slow motion. Who does that? Who?
She "thought it would be ok" since she "didn't see a name on the bag". (You know, because Santa brings extra gifts with no names on them. Gifts that aren't for anyone specific. Like a Christmas wild card. That kind of gift.)
Coincidentally, my sister-in-law had ordered a gift for me that was on back-order, which made me feel somewhat better about not having a gift for her, and we had a laugh over the whole thing.
The thing about my mother-in-law is that I really don't believe there was any malice intended or thought that she might be doing something wrong. She just has no filter. And you can't argue with a person like that without driving yourself nuts. Because, at the end of the day, she just doesn't get it.
I wrote a really long and thoughtful comment here earlier. And its missing. I hate the interweb.
Drat! I will give you brownie points anyway.
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