In all seriousness, so many of my favorite people were at this shower - Dr K and Magenta, the Muses, and Mar-Mar... it was such a relaxed and fun day. And Magenta was a magnificent hostess. Everything really fell into place - the decorations were beautiful, the menu was delicious, all of the craft projects were so thoughtful and fun... Magenta, you can no longer claim that you don't throw parties, don't cook, etc. You did and do!
Now on to the crafting; I had 2 assignments for this shower. The first was making jewelry bags for the favors, which were necklaces that Magenta made. You can see the necklaces hanging from the branch that is serving as a centerpiece on the table in the picture above. Everyone got to pick their favorite necklace and take it home in a jewelry bag. Here is mine:
I will post about my other project - cupcakes! - tomorrow.