Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mea Culpa

Apologies to my readers and to Erato, in particular. While I was in London (I'm back now), I had asked Erato to write a guest post about our PJ project. She did and diligently emailed it along for me to post.

Well, I failed. I tried to post it. I honestly did. But you know how much trouble I have with technology. And I had "HTML errors" which sounded serious to me... like MRSA for computers. I tried to fix it rather than posting the other things that I had planned, but to no avail.

However, now that I am back home, Phineas was able to fix things in about 30 seconds... and so, Erato, your post will be up tomorrow. Again, my apologies for the delay. I do hope in the interim you checked out Magenta's blog, which is sporting a brand new look these days!