Or at least part way out. I swear that the boy is part fish.
This was not one of them. It turned out that 3 adults are no match for 2 little boys. By the time that they were fed, showered and in bed each night, all that Phineas, Calliope and I were up for was cracking open a bottle of wine and parking ourselves on the couch. I am ashamed to say that no crafting took place, I didn't go for a single run and I barely cracked open the novel that was supposed to be my beach read. However, we did some very fun things, including:
- taking a plunge off of the jumping bridge between OB and Edgartown (sorry, no picture of me actually jumping off the bridge, but I do have witnesses)
- feeding purple clover flowers to McGee, the goat, with Linus at the FARM Institute. We also got to pet a baby chick, meet two sheep named Lemon and Lime, and get lost in a giant corn maze
- An enormous ice cream treat at Mad Martha's Ice Cream
- trying to catch little fishes in a beach bucket with Orpheus at State Beach
- finding all kinds of crabs, shrimp and sea critters Down at the Shore at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary
- jumping waves with Orpheus, who has no fear of water and was very proud to show me how he could float on his back
- burying Linus' feet in the sand so that he could break them out again.... and again... and again...
Oh, and we did eat rather well. Phineas has a way of chitchatting with local fishermen and shop keepers that makes them offer him things like "the freshest scallops you've ever had" or "the beautiful stripped bass that I was about to clean if you can wait a few minutes". Things suddenly emerge from the back of the store that no other customers seem to be offered. It is a talent that can not be over-valued.
Anyway, a fun and exhausting time was had by all. Sadly, my one souvenir is a cold. So, even though I'm home and ready to get back to my crafts and running, I am feeling sidelined. But stay tuned as I get over this vacation and back into the swing of things, including posts.