Basics: Can you make out all the ingredients? Pssst. That's a couple of chipotles in adobe sauce located in the zippy bag.
Brown the meat (mix of 2lbs. Blade pork chops and a lb of ole reliable GB, take out and then brown the veg and spices (2 parts (Tbls) chili power/1 part (Tbls) cumin), salt and pepper.
Pictures: Brown this, add that + spices = Above!
When you smell the spices, throw in the red stuff (your favorite brand in a 1 big can of crushed + 2 little cans of sauce) and then toss the meat back into the pool!
Simmer for an hour or so, until you can easily tear the pork away from the bone.Take out chop/shred and back into the pool for a quick half hour dip and voila -its time to eat
Picture: We used 2 cans of beans, but use as much or as little as you like (too lazy this time to make my own batch of beans!)
We garnished with cheddar cheese and toast points (aren't we chi-chi!), slopped it into a bowl, grabbed a couple of spoons and turned on MNF- and if you're really hungry (me), loosen up the belt!
The addition of chipotle and some of the adobe sauce lent some nice heat and a little extra depth to this version of chili. Not a bad batch, certainly a starting point that you can use to concoct your own home brewed version (for vegaholics a blend of tempeh and extra firm tofu might work well). Active time = 20 minutes, Waiting time, smelling something tasty = 1.5 hours. Moral of the story = Start at 10:30/11:00 on Sunday and you'll be ready to watch football with a bowl of red hot and chips at 1!
Happy eating and if you're in the Northeast, go pick some apples and make some pie (yummmmmie!), save some for bobbing for apples and maybe grab a pumpkin for carving-Halloween just around the corner!
P.S. Now since it was a Test Kitchen "secret" recipe, I am obligated to not give out the actual recipe until it comes out in print. Not sure when it will appear, but if you would like to subscribe-here is the link