Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Showers of Happiness

I spent the afternoon of Valentine's Day at KK's baby shower. I liked the timing of the event for purely philosophical reasons: the arrival of a baby as the ultimate expression of romantic love. What better day to celebrate? On the flip side, a V-Day baby shower could also be seen as a cautionary tale for those with romantic plans in the evening. (tee hee)

KK opening my gift, with the ever-helpful Miss Beansprout there to assist

I finished the tote bag on my day off and just had a few finishing touches to complete the morning of the shower - attaching the tag and Stainguarding the bag. I am THRILLED with how it came out. Here are some final pics:

A little embellishment on the outside

My favorite outside pocket

Look at all the pockets!

This project really came out well. I'm not sure whether this has more to do with my increased skill level or with the pattern. I have never used a Butterick pattern before, and I found the directions and markings very clear and straightforward.

Some of the features that I really liked about this bag are:
  • the length of the strap - really long so you can wear it slung across your body
  • the number and variety of pocket styles both inside and out
  • the ample size - lots of room for pampers, wipes, etc
  • style - it really doesn't scream "diapers!"
In fact, I may make a non-diaper version of this bag for myself in the future and will only make changes to the inside pockets (fewer and smaller).