Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still in Progress

Polyhymnia, stylin' in her new beach duds...

The sarong pants I am making Polyhymnia are still in progress, but the kimono top and fun beach tote are finished!

In fact, I pulled the tote bag together in a few hours on Saturday. It was easier than I thought.

So easy, in fact, that I even added a pocket for sunglasses and sunscreen (we Muses burn easily in the sun).

The sarong pants are coming along nicely. Poly tried them on on Sunday and they fit well! So yesterday, I spent the afternoon ironing and hemming. It took all afternoon because of the flowy-openness of the design. There simply was miles and miles of 1/4 inch finished hem.

At this point, each project is still a learning experience. What I learned about sewing and myself yesterday is that after about 4 hours, I start doing really dopey things, like forgetting to switch the stitch length from basting back to regular. This leaves me with the waist band and ties to re-do.

So, New Rule: no more than 3 hours of crafting at once.