Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dim Sum Panic II

Yesterday, Phineas had to pick me up in Brooklyn and he took the opportunity to do our Chinese grocery shopping on Avenue U. Naturally, he made a point of walking by Wing Shing.

It was still closed (so much for my wishful thinking that it would magically be open), but Phineas gathered some info. It was closed by the Health Department. Uggers!

I guess that the roast ducks and cha siu pig hanging in the front window were not being kept at the proper temperature. The dim sum carts were probably in violation too. Oh, and their way of carrying pig carcasses through the dining room periodically probably wasn't good. sigh

This can't be up to code. But sooo yummy...

Hopefully they will fix the violations and reopen. Keep you posted. And in the meantime, I will be on the hunt for a new dim sum spot for us.