Friday, May 9, 2008

Spring Cleaning in the Craft Lounge

I haven't been in the Craft Lounge in two months. Between travel, weddings and family commitments I just haven't had any time. Plus, Phineas is a saboteur. He has (rightly) realized that my hobby doesn't cut into my time at work, at yoga, in the kitchen or with friends and family. It cuts into my time with him. So, as much as he likes that I have a hobby that I enjoy, he does his best to lure me out of the lounge.

I packed all my projects and supplies away when we cleaned the house before wedding #1. Ironically, at the wedding I learned that Phineas' cousin is an accomplished sewist (sewing bloggers seem to prefer "sewist" to "sewer" for obvious reasons) and suggested we keep in touch, which I'm excited about.

Anyway, I have some organizing to do. Here is my Craft Lounge Spring Cleaning List, which I hope will get me back on track.

1. Finish Calliope's Clutch this weekend
2. Shop for fabric for Polyhymnia's sarong pants
3. Buy a pattern or two for pillows for Terpischore's wedding
4. Add sequined trim to my black pants