Thursday, April 18, 2013

Comfort Baking

I know I've been missing in action for the last week and posts have been light for the last several. Too much work is to blame. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and soon I'll be back to sewing and blogging more regularly.

Tuesday night, I arrived home in need of comfort; it's been a rough week on many levels. Something warm from the oven was what I needed. So, I baked myself a very quick chocolate cake. It was mixed and then baked right in the cake pan. The recipe is from King Arthur Flour (click here).

Weeknight dessert!

I iced it with a ganache made of  1 1/2 cups of chocolate bits melted with 1/2 a cup of half and half.

There is something about baking that I find intensely calming and comforting. By the time I was cutting a slice of cake, I was already feeling soothed. Next time I'll add a bit more cocoa to the cake batter. But other than that, it was the perfect weeknight cake and just what the doctor ordered.

What do you when you need to give yourself a little TLC?