Friday, April 15, 2011

Black & White Mini-Collection//Bottoms Up Challenge

As promised, here is my mini collection of black and white tops!  And since I have newly discovered how to create slide shows on Picnick, I've decided to make it a slideshow. 

I'm hoping that the flashing by of pictures will distract you from my mediocre-at-best modeling skills.

And since Faye has decided to morph the Over the Top Challenge from the first half of April into a Bottoms Up Challenge for the second half of the month, I will be getting back to this project:

Right now - thanks to my dreadful first attempt at a welt pocket - these Simplicity 2700 pants are in danger of becoming a UFO. So, my Bottoms Up challenge will be to complete them... welt pocket and all.

Happy Friday, everyone!