Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My pants are officially done! Yay! Over the weekend, I re-attached and finished the waistband, hemmed the legs and added a Five Muses tag.

In the end, I am pleased and proud of how well they fit and look, even though they are not without little flaws. For example, I have to work on my zipper skills. I tried an invisible zipper for these pants and it is not quite as invisible as it could be. Anyway, you will get a final photo once I have finished the matching jacket.

Jacket lining hanging over the pants.
I began work on the jacket on Saturday. I started with the lining, which is coming along just fine. The jacket does not have any kind of closure - zipper or buttons - which makes it somewhat easier. However, I have still not done any garments that call for lining. So, that will be a first.

Oh, and I've already purchase fabric for my next pants; a wool blend in a basic black pinstripe.

For some reason this looks brown, no? It is really black.