Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thank You, Uncle Sam!

So, this year I am getting a tax return. And I've decided to use it to buy my first serger. Woo-hoo! Thank you Uncle Sam. I am so excited by this, I can't even tell you.

I haven't really scratched the surface of the various sergers and their features. But I did read a few threads on PatternReview on buying a first serger. Based on that, plus my own personality quirks, I'd have to rank ease of threading/using as my #1 priority. At first, at least, I plan on using a serger primarily for finishing seams. But, I'd like a machine that has features that I can grow into. Most of all, I don't want to end up with a machine that I don't use because it is too difficult or fussy for me to master.

Anyway, as luck would have it, this weekend, Phineas and I visited family out of town, and it happened that the route to get there took us past Pocono Sew and Vac, which is where Phin bought my fabulous sewing machine. So, I had to pop in.  

Project Clio? - The Brother 5234
At Pocono S&V they showed me the Brother 5234 serger, which is part of their Project Runway limited edition line of machines. I am usually skeptical of special editions or celebrity sponsors, but right now this is the machine to beat. I had a very good experience with my first sewing machine, which was also a Brother. And several other sewists seem to like their Brother 1034 sergers, which I will also consider. The other machines that seem popular for first time buyers are the Juki 654 and Janome 634D.I'll also check those out.

Anyway, any of you who have sergers and opinions, please do feel free to chime in with suggestions or tips for me.  Thanks so much!