Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stitch, stitch, stitch, sneeze. Repeat...

I've had a cold for the last few days. The only things I've really been up to are napping, sipping tea and pad stitching. So, at least there is progress.

One lapel is completely done and the other is underway.  When both are done, they will get a good steaming and it will be on to pad stitching the collar


Karin said...

All that work! Pad stitching is not for the lazy. I hope you get over your cold real soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this project looks professional.

I had strep throat so severely last week. I was so sick that I had to take 2 days off of work (which never happens). Aches, chills, everything. It was awful. I understand how disruptove it is to be sick. Feel better!

Faye Lewis said...

Firstly, please get well soon! Secondly, your pad stitching looks marvelous. Wonder why come I just couldn't get that stitch?

gwensews said...

Pad stitching is a good thing to do while resting. Feel better soon.

Clio said...

Thanks so much, everyone! I think the worst part is just feeling pooped and unmotivated. But after a few good nights of sleep, it seems like I am starting to bounce back. This winter really is a doosey!