Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas! Gaaaahhhh!

Merry Christmas a day late! Here at the Five Muses, we spent the last week baking dozens of cookies, making candies, wrapping presents and cooking up a storm. Yesterday,  presents were opened, carols were sung, roast was eaten and candies devoured.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip

So, this morning I woke up with nothing on my mind but watching the snow fall and working on my Lady Grey coat. Unfortunately for me, I could not find the hair canvas I bought specifically for this project. I looked in all the places that I would have put it - in the sweater box where I keep lining and interfacing, in my stash, in the laundry... It was nowhere to be found. I know it's somewhere in the house. The last time I saw it was right before family descended for Thanksgiving and the Craft Lounge got packed away. This worries me. It could be anywhere. Not good. And there isn't much to do until I find it or cave in and buy more. Gaaaaaaah!! So, my good intentions of working on my coat went up in smoke.

However, I did cheer myself up by admiring the fabric I bought from FabricMart during one of their holiday sales. It was fun to have a box arrive for me last week while gifts for others were also rolling in.

Beige netting , Anna Sui black netting with sequins, and Calvin Klein orange striped cotton sateen
I plan on using the beige netting for lingerie. It is really a nude kind of color and is very soft and stretchy. So, I'm thinking it will be perfect for something like McCall's 5651 or KS 3554. The Anna Sui fabric will be stashed for now - at some point it will be great as an overlay on a skirt or dress. And the CK fabric will join my creamsicle stash of orange fabrics.

More on my cooking projects during the week! And cross your fingers that I find my hair canvas.