Friday, March 19, 2010

Stashaholics Anonymous: How Did This Happen?

It started out innocently enough: On my lunch break yesterday, I just wanted to pick up some black jersey, which I like to keep in my stash. And maybe look for something in turquoise, which is my favorite color to wear in warmer months... enough to make a summer top.

Well, $84 and 14 yards later I found myself lugging the new additions to my stash back to my office, the fingers of my bag-holding hand steadily growing numb.

How did this happen?, I asked myself. How did I go from "a few basics" to discussions about "my summer wardrobe pallet"? How did a few necessities morph into an $84 splurge?!?!? How did a few yards become as much fabric as I could carry? How?!?!?!?! How did this happen?!?!? To me?!?! Again!?!?!?! I'll tell you how this happened: Kashi!

Kashi is the most dangerous man in the Garment District. His charm, attention and wily sales moves will send you home with yards and yards of (really beautiful) fabric, having spent more than you planned (but less than you would have anywhere else). My only strategy is to avoid Metro Textiles unless I am planning on buying. Browsing there always leads to buying, because he always has something new and nice that will not last. Once I go in, resistance is futile.

Here are my fabulous buys:

2 jerseys and 3 beautiful lightweight knits. This does not include the black jersey.

As I headed to the door mumbling "my husband is gonna kill me", Kashi calmly advised, "just tell him the fabric guy made you. Just don't tell him it was me." We agreed to blame Mood instead.