Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Repurposing: The Deluxe Edition

Last week, I mentioned a project involving my nephew, Little C. It cropped up when I received an email from my sister, Polyhymnia, saying "I'm thinking of turning my wedding gown into a Christening gown for the baby. Am I crazy? What do you think?" She was inspired by this interview on Threadsmagazine.com.

After several emails, and her solemn promise not to cry when we cut into her wedding gown, I offered my help. Poly sews some, is very crafty and artistic in general, has a wonderful eye for detail, and is meticulous and careful. In other words, she has all the makings of an excellent sewist, and I am confident that she will do a great job. The one thing she was nervous about was laying out the pattern on her dress and making decisions about cutting and re-purposing trim. (Wouldn't you be too? I sure would.) So, on Monday, that is where I will help her get started.

We will primarily be using Simplicity 2457 (above). However, if we have enough fabric, we will make the jacket from Simplicity 5813 (below). Poly wants to make the gown convertible - from gown to romper via hidden zipper under a waist band, as the article suggests.

I have to say, I am excited and wary at the same time. On the one hand, baby clothing is not very fitted and so it is very forgiving. On the other hand, we are cutting up my sister's wedding gown. I have no idea what it will be like to work with. Wish us luck.