Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Frenzy: WIPs and Plans Out the Wazoo

I think I'm developing a case of creative overload where I'm oscilating between OCD and AD/HD. After tidying the Craft Lounge to accommodate my new fabric and deciding on some summer sewing goals, I've been so enthusiastic about all my projects that I am having a difficult time picking just one to work on. Crazy, right?

I've drafted the schematic for my Future Dress and prepped the fabric. Now I have to make full size pattern pieces with seam allowances.

Let's hope my math skills still work!
This really is a fascinating dress. So, simple but I hope the results will wow.

Next, I cut my new wax cloth for a caftan for MomMuse:

Wax cloth - right fabric for Mom, middle for nephew

I'm using the fabric on the right and McCalls M6552.

Fashion Star M6552

I also found, bought, printed, taped a cut the pattern for the Charlie Tunic by Made by Rae to make into a wax cloth top for my littlest nephew.

Charlie Pullover Tunic

For myself, I finished a new V1314 Vogue Tracy Reese dress in a super soft black rayon jersey. I've used this pattern four times now, including the tomato red dress I sewed last summer and still wear a lot. Alas, I ran out of steam when it was time to take pictures when I wore it on Sunday. So, you'll just have to wait. 

I also have two knitting WIP's - more baby gifts. I have a nearly finished baby blanket and a cute little hat in the works.

Baby hat

And lastly, just to add to my creative frenzy, I have more new fabric.

4 of 5 new beauties! 

After years of swearing that I am the least likely person to ever SWAP (Sew with a Plan) because I get distracted by the next shiny pattern or fabric that comes along, I have been mulling over a wardrobe project. Adding fuel to my fire, one of the most amazing ladies of the sewing world sent me home with even more fabric from her stash and orders to use it as an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. I shall!

Oh look!  I did find one picture of me in my new knit dress! Too bad you can't see the dress for all the fabric. ;-)

Anyway, I am sequestering myself on Sunday for a mini sewathon!

What do you have in the works? Just one thing or many things in many stages?