Friday, January 13, 2012

Elements of Style: Favorite Colors

Do you have a favorite color? How strongly do you feel about it?

I have strong feelings about my likes and dislikes when it comes to color. I guess those of us who sew think about these things. And right now my very favorite color, orange, or what Pantone is calling Tangerine Tango - a fierce red-orange, which is my very favorite shade - has been announced as the Color of the Year for 2012.
Tangerine Tango a la Clio

I first learned this news over at the MPB blog, and - WOW - some people really hate my beloved color! And I can't help but be filled with dread about this sudden color of the year accolade, especially seeing how orange is apparently rather polarizing.

You see, back when I was looking for fabric for my Lady Grey coat, it was challenging to find coating in orange. Usually, the only time of year that you can find orange fabric is the two weeks before Halloween. And then it's usually covered in bats or black cats. So, I was thrilled when it seemed like a mini-trend for orange was happening last spring and I gleefully started to stash it away in preparation for the inevitable orange famine to come when bats and black cats would be back. 

My Orange Fabric and Yarn Stash

But now my beloved color is in the spotlight. On the one hand this means I'm very on trend for the moment.  However, I can't help but worry that by this time next year, my Lady Grey coat will look dated and passe. And what about the Burda cover dress that I've just finished and not yet blogged about or even worn yet?  (Here is a sneak peek.)

And the orange socks I'm knitting?

Isn't that a cute cuff?

In addition to what I've sewn, I also have no less than 3 orange tee shirts, a belt (seen here), orange earrings (here) and at last count two orange winter scarves. Will my wardrobe suddenly look past it's prime once this orange mania is over?

Anyway, what is your favorite color? Is it something mainstream like blue? Or is it the kind of color that only becomes fashionable every so often? What do you do when the color you love is "out"? Do you say auf wiedersehn to it or do you carry on wearing what you love despite trends?

Readers, how can I keep orange in my wardrobe and looking fresh once this trend is over?