Now that I've done my victory dance, here is what I hope is a more thoughtful and slightly less giddy post about the end results and process.
So, this epic leather jacket process started with a crush I had on
BurdaStyle 07/2010 - #118/119
which was designed to be sewn in leather. I made the version with the
peplum and zipper (118) but used the one piece lapels from the other version (119)
rather than piecing them.
The thing that I was most worried about with this jacket was sewing on leather, a new experience for me. Are there a few things that I would do differently? Yes, there
are. But they mostly have to do with Burda's so-so instructions, rather
than anything to do with the leather or sewing it. Here are a few of my keys to success for leather:
- There are some great resources in print like Sewing on Leather and Suede by Sandy Scrivano (reviewed here), and several other bloggers have chronicled their experiences sewing leather (Lindsay T, Gorgeous Ann, the Sewing Lawyer and Kbenco) in great detail.
- Muslin. This is not the project to be fitting as you go.
- Buy quality if you want quality results. I spent an inordinate amount of time on this jacket and I plan to own it for years. I bought beautiful leather (at Mood) that was not inexpensive but is of a quality that I think will last. Every time I pull the jacket on, it feels soft and luxurious.
- Test, test, test. Test your sewing machine(s) and presser feet, test
the products you want to use (glue, tape, etc), test seam finishes and
top stitching. Test it all. That way, when it comes to actually sewing,
you won't be figuring things out as you go. You will know the tools and techniques you want to use.
- Use the right tools. For me this included buying a rotary cutter and
mat (a great investment, IMHO), binder clips rather than pins (Wonder
Clips if you can find them), and proper pressing tools (seam
boards/rolls, a pressing cloth, etc) if you choose to do as I did and press your seams.
- Turn of cloth - just as true in leather as other fabrics. This was a surprise to me.
- Leather is not difficult to sew, but you want to be thoughtful and
alert. Don't rush. Do-overs mean holes in your leather. (I may have
taken this non-rushing thing a bit too far).
- As for Burda's instructions, my advice would be to look outside of Burda's sparse offerings. I like Tailoring: The Classic Guide to Sewing the Perfect Jacket.
- Since I was making a jacket, I used all of the tailoring techniques
that I would use on a non-leather jacket, like using fusible
interfacings, hair canvas and adding a back stay. Since I had tested the
fusibles and tested ironing the leather, I knew this would be ok.

Case in point : I think the peplum looks this good because I tested all the elements that went into it - seaming, top stitching, pressing the pleats and I went a better way with the lining instructions.
Anyway, here's a few thoughts on some of the little changes I made along the way - good decisions when it came to the details and an inside view for those of you who like to peek inside others' sewing. Plus, you
know how I love talking hardware.
Chain for hanging |
added a chain hanging loop. This was one of the last things I did
before sewing the facings in. It's made of about 3-4 inches of chain,
two jump rings and some grosgrain ribbon. I sandwiched it between the facing and shell before sewing the seam. There had been a really nice tutorial on a blog called
Sophia Sews, but sadly that blog has disappeared.
Piping |
I also added lime green piping between the lining and facings. Honestly, this is such an easy addition, but it really makes the finish look professional IMHO.
Shiny! |
I also love the Lampo zippers that I had cut to the custom length that I needed at
Botani. Could I have gone with less expensive zippers and altered the length myself? Yes and yes, but when you aren't skimping on the leather or lining, do you really want to cut a corner on the one moving part of the jacket especially given that it is a strong design element as well as functional? For me the answer is no. Plus, these are the shiniest, prettiest zippers I've ever seen.
Penultimately, the Pattern Review is
here. And all the posts about this epic jacket project with details about fitting, posts about leather, more about pattern changes, etc. can be found
here or under the heading Leather Jacket on the side bar.
Finally, a big thank you to all of you who shared tips, opinions and encouragement along the way. I'm so glad you stuck with me for this adventure! I really felt like I had a team of supporters in my corner.
And that's all she wrote!