Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sewing Bee!!

Sorry for the silence the last few days. I've fallen behind with photographing and writing posts as the "Raspberry to do list" seems to have grown in length (birthing classes, weekly pre-natal visits, interviewing pediatricians, winding down work, and finishing feathering the nest).  Everything is still going great and I do have some finished things to show you soon.

One thing I haven't blogged about is that I'm part of the Pattern Review Contest Committee. It's been a fun and exciting year, working with my co-committee members to come up with and manage the many sewing contests on PR.  So, I'm super excited to tell you about our biggest and best contest yet...

I know there are a lot of contests out there, but I think this one is going to be pretty stinkin' awesome if I do say so myself! I can't promise any Project Runway style interpersonal drama or Tim Gunn mentor-ship, but there will be Auf Wiedersehens in addition to special guest judges, awesome prizes from Elliot Bermann Fabrics, Reliable (Irons) and Roost Books, and - peeps - the Grand Prize is a Bernina Serger.

One thing I really like is that the contest is open to everyone, as long as you are a PR member/user as of Sept 1 (ie: you can't sign up for PR in order to enter, but if you are already signed up, you are in). You just have to join and submit your Week 1 entry by November 7 (the week 1 challenge will be announced on Nov 1st).

More details about what to expect and how to join are on PR: Surprise Sewing Bee!  I hope to see some of you (bloggers and non) among the contestants!

Join the Sewing Bee!!!  

And on that note, stay tuned for your normally scheduled programming in the next few days...