Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mountain Range Silk Top

I have to confess in a very dorky way that I may have congratulated myself just a bit too much for my clever/ironic/self deprecating sense of humor on this one: I sewed a tunic in a topographical mountain range print. Peeps, I just had to buy larger bras. Again.

This is Vogue 8977.  I sewed an orange dress-length version back in August and have been getting a lot of wear out of it.  I really need a few more non-dresses in my wardrobe now that I'm in my final week and a half of work. So, I restored the pattern to tunic length by removing much of the additional length I had added to make it a dress.

I've been holding on to this silk twill print from FabricMart for a while now. When I pulled it out of stash, I realized I didn't have quite enough for both the front and back of the tunic. So, I made the back out of black modal except for the strap that goes across the cut out. I really like this as a two-toned top. I think it might have been a bit much if it was all print, with no break. Plus, my ironic sense of self-depreciation does not extend as far as putting mountains on my bum. ;-)

Silk twill is a great fabric IMHO. Like any silk, it's oh so lovely to wear, but the twill weave makes it easier to sew than a slippery charmeuse or CDC. It doesn't slither away from you and it seems more stable and less likely to stretch and distort along bias areas.

This top sewed up easily and quickly. I executed it the same way as the first one and don't really have anything to add to my construction notes from that first version. I didn't make any changes to make this a maternity top, just like the dress.

I like this outfit; it feels very me. So, I think it will be worn a lot in the next few weeks and also find a home in my post-pregnancy wardrobe.


  1. Silk and life with a small baby. Am laughing like a drain!

  2. It's washable. So I thought why not? I may as well be happy and comfortable and feel like me in my clothes.

  3. It'll get a lot of washing. My daughter never puked and was a fastidious eater. My son however, threw up lots and smears his food all over the place - my washing machine is exhausted.

  4. so many browny points to dressing for you

  5. That is a fantastic top that I would be happy to wear, pregnant or not.

  6. ha! I'll get my machine to start a rigorous training program for increased use now. Thankfully, Phin does the laundry.

  7. You've made the best maternity wardrobe! So you and wearable. Love this too and glad you will be able to get some use out of it after you're pregnant. I also love sewing with silk twill!

  8. I agree with Carolyn!! Best maternity wardrobe!!

  9. Nice job. I like the contrasting back.

  10. I have the same fabric! I was underwhelmed when it arrived but your fabulous top has me rethinking it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Good call! Love the two tone effect. Makes it so much more edgy & stylish. Universe's way of guiding you down the right path if you go with the flow :-)

  12. Maybe if Raspberry would just do the Jackson Pollock on the front...I think the mountain range can probably take it and hide it well.

  13. Hooray! It's great and the print is subtle enough that it looks kind of abstract, which I like.

  14. Totally! My lack of fabric turned out to be a plus!

  15. Thanks so much! You know, I see a lot of pregnant women not looking happy in their clothes or just making do "for now". I'm just happy that I feel like me in my clothes since everything else in life is changing! ;-)

  16. It took 1.5 pregnancies to realize that I shouldn't make do and wear what makes me comfortable. So halfway through my second one I made sure to sew more and I was a fashion plate for the third one. It really helps at the end to have something pretty to put on when you're feeling very wally the whalish!

  17. Love that there wasn't enough fabric for the entire tunic, because that contrast back is perfect. Lookin' stylish!

  18. That is such a pretty top. Love the mixture of print and plain.

  19. Love this! It's very modern and cool! I'm with you- I really like sewing with silk twill (and wearing it)!
