Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Coast is Clear...

Thanks to those of you who emailed to let me know they got a malware warning when they tried to visit or post a comment on Monday. Tech support (aka Phin, my resident Mr Fixit) says that the coast should be clear now. My blog didn't have any malware on it, but there were some blogs on my reading list that did, and that set off the warning bells.

Anyway, I hope you will come back and visit Monday's post!


  1. This happened to me on my old blog: MakingTheSeam. It was due to me having a blog with malware listed on my blogroll. It freaked me out, and with no Phin in my life, I gave up and deleted the old blog. Ouch! Anyway, glad you were able to sort everything out without the drama or the trauma.

  2. Fingers crossed that it's fully sorted out! I had to delete my reading list - I'm not following any blogs at the moment, which is rather traumatic. In a few days I'll slowly start re-following all my favorites again.

  3. I tried to send a message, but Google Chrome wouldn't even let me load your page. Glad that you got it sorted out!
