Saturday, June 2, 2012

Technology Part III: Spam, Spam, Eggs and Spam

Since I've been unable to sew, I might as well use the time for a little housekeeping.

First up,  I've imported Disqus to help moderate comments and keep spam on the blog to a minimum. Honestly, my spam folder had reached Monty Python proportions.

Anyway, for those of you not already using Disqus, I hope it won't be too much of a hassle. I think it's easier than the wonky word verification thingy. Plus, it allows me to respond to individual comments and sorts most recent comments at the top. Both are features I like!  

Next, I finally have a Facebook presence for personal/sewing stuff that is separate from my work-related FB presence. I've managed to get my blog feed to upload automatically (okay, okay, Phin handled that part of things). Since I dislike the idea of adding any kind of FB widget to the blog, if you want to friend me, you can find me by searching for "Clio Phineas" on Facebook. 

Lastly, some of you have already found me on Pinterest. I'm definitely not an addictive user, but I am finding it fun to pin styles and sewing tutorials that I like. You can find me here:

Follow Me on Pinterest

I have managed a little sewing today, so updates soon!  And in the meantime, I look forward to seeing you here and around the interwebs.


  1. I love Monty Python!! I use to watch it at an ungodly hour for a kid along with 'Are You Being Served'. I have disqus for my tumblr which I'm hardly ever on so it helps me to keep up and not ignore people because I'm not checking.

  2. DUDE how do i like you?? i can't find the button.. help me phineas!

  3. okay and thaaaaaat's not my disqus account.  could be the muscadet.

  4. I am writing this comment as a test to see what disgus is about. Delete it if you like.

  5.  Hmm, not sure you can "like" me since I set things up as an individual person and not as an entity/blog. It was all very unclear as I was doing it. I'll investigate...

  6.  Experiment away! (I'm figuring it out, too.)
