Monday, December 26, 2011

Yay, Santa! I Was on the Nice List!

Apparently, I was nice this year! Santa was very generous and left some fantastic sewy gifts under the tree for me!

I received a copy of The Basics of Corset Building, a book I've been wanting for some time. It's an outstandingly practical guide to the tools, materials and process of building a corset. I like that it is practical rather than inspirational, since I have a greater thirst for skills and knowledge at this point in my sewing. Even when my sewing mojo flags, it isn't because I've run out of ideas or can't find inspiration. In fact, more often I'm paralyzed by indecision over what to sew next because there's just so much I'd like to do and such limited time. What about you?

I also received some fun art for the Craft Lounge and applique scissors. I really need more scissors for different jobs.

And Phin gave me a rolling foot for my sewing machine. He noticed that I've been drooling over admiring the leather tops that other sewists have been making recently. And I've been nattering on about making a leather jacket for myself. (Apparently, he does listen when I talk about sewing! Score one for crafty gals everywhere!) So, that is definitely on the to do list this winter!

I hope the Santas in your life were as generous with you as mine were with me!  Three cheers for Christmas!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing what you sew with the roller foot!

  2. Great gifts. I become overwhelmed from an abundance of inspiration and tutorials.

  3. i completely understand your dilemma about what to sew next--i often feel the same way! great haul for holidays 2011 and can't wait to see what you are sewing in 2012.
