Monday, January 25, 2010

When is it time for an intervention???

I continue to amass cowl neck patterns.And this one is not even in English, although they did email me a translation.

But I am pretty sure that I have a problem. I don't think it has translated into a problem in my wardrobe just yet, since I haven't had enough time to sew up a slew of cowl necks. But even if I did, (rationalization #1) cowl necks look nice on me, and (#2) the patterns I own are really all very different, and (#3) this one could be the perfect one for me, and (#4) it is a versatile top/tunic/dress pattern, and (#5) it could expand my style to include leggings, a trend I have been resisting... Not buying it? Well, I did. And this pattern is now on its way to me from Denmark. So there.

By tomorrow (I hope), I will have taken some photos of my pencil skirt to show you. I finished it up on Friday evening. I also made some progress on my Calm, Cool and Cowl necked top, which in my defense is not very cowl-ish at all. It is more like a slightly drapey boat neck. Anyway, more on this later.


  1. You might want to check out Vogue 8597 (if you don't have it already). It's a raglan sleeved cowl neck top. I like that the cowl can be separate and you don't have to fight the wrong side of the fabric showing.

  2. Thanks JodieK! I'll check it out.
